The topology on a valued ring #
In this file, we define the non archimedean topology induced by a valuation on a ring.
The main definition is a Valued
type class which equips a ring with a valuation taking
values in a group with zero. Other instances are then deduced from this.
The basis of open subgroups for the topology on a ring determined by a valuation.
A valued ring is a ring that comes equipped with a distinguished valuation. The class Valued
is designed for the situation that there is a canonical valuation on the ring.
TODO: show that there always exists an equivalent valuation taking values in a type belonging to the same universe as the ring.
See Note [forgetful inheritance] for why we extend UniformSpace
, UniformAddGroup
- isOpen_univ : TopologicalSpace.IsOpen Set.univ
- isOpen_inter : ∀ (s t : Set R), TopologicalSpace.IsOpen s → TopologicalSpace.IsOpen t → TopologicalSpace.IsOpen (s ∩ t)
- isOpen_sUnion : ∀ (s : Set (Set R)), (∀ t ∈ s, TopologicalSpace.IsOpen t) → TopologicalSpace.IsOpen (⋃₀ s)
- refl : Filter.principal idRel ≤ UniformSpace.toCore.uniformity
- symm : Filter.Tendsto Prod.swap UniformSpace.toCore.uniformity UniformSpace.toCore.uniformity
- comp : (Filter.lift' UniformSpace.toCore.uniformity fun (s : Set (R × R)) => compRel s s) ≤ UniformSpace.toCore.uniformity
- uniformContinuous_sub : UniformContinuous fun (p : R × R) => p.1 - p.2
- v : Valuation R Γ₀
Alternative Valued
constructor for use when there is no preferred UniformSpace
-' v = v ⋯
Instances For
- ⋯ = ⋯
The unit ball of a valued ring is open.
The valuation subring of a valued field is open.