Units (i.e., invertible elements) of a monoid #
An element of a Monoid
is a unit if it has a two-sided inverse.
Main declarations #
Units M
: the group of units (i.e., invertible elements) of a monoid.IsUnit x
: a predicate asserting thatx
is a unit (i.e., invertible element) of a monoid.
For both declarations, there is an additive counterpart: AddUnits
and IsAddUnit
See also Prime
, Associated
, and Irreducible
in Mathlib.Algebra.Associated
Notation #
We provide Mˣ
as notation for Units M
resembling the notation $R^{\times}$ for the units of a ring, which is common in mathematics.
The results here should be used to golf the basic Group
Units of a Monoid
, bundled version. Notation: αˣ
An element of a Monoid
is a unit if it has a two-sided inverse.
This version bundles the inverse element so that it can be computed.
For a predicate see IsUnit
- «term_ˣ» = Lean.ParserDescr.trailingNode `term_ˣ 1024 1024 (Lean.ParserDescr.symbol "ˣ")
Instances For
- ⋯ = ⋯
Instances For
Additive units have decidable equality
if the base AddMonoid
has deciable equality.
- AddUnits.instDecidableEqAddUnits x✝ x = decidable_of_iff' (↑x✝ = ↑x) ⋯
Units have decidable equality if the base Monoid
has decidable equality.
- Units.instDecidableEqUnits x✝ x = decidable_of_iff' (↑x✝ = ↑x) ⋯
Additive units of an additive monoid have an addition and an additive identity.
- AddUnits.instAddZeroClass = AddZeroClass.mk ⋯ ⋯
Units of a monoid form have a multiplication and multiplicative identity.
- Units.instMulOneClass = MulOneClass.mk ⋯ ⋯
Additive units of an additive monoid form an additive group.
- AddUnits.instAddGroup = let __src := inferInstance; AddGroup.mk ⋯
- AddUnits.instAddGroup.match_1 motive n a h_1 h_2 = Int.casesOn n (fun (a_1 : ℕ) => h_1 a_1 a) fun (a_1 : ℕ) => h_2 a_1 a
Instances For
Additive units of an additive commutative monoid form an additive commutative group.
- AddUnits.instAddCommGroupAddUnits = AddCommGroup.mk ⋯
Units of a commutative monoid form a commutative group.
- Units.instCommGroupUnits = CommGroup.mk ⋯
For a, b
in an AddCommMonoid
such that a + b = 0
, makes an addUnit out of a
- AddUnits.mkOfAddEqZero a b hab = { val := a, neg := b, val_neg := hab, neg_val := ⋯ }
Instances For
For a, b
in a CommMonoid
such that a * b = 1
, makes a unit out of a
- Units.mkOfMulEqOne a b hab = { val := a, inv := b, val_inv := hab, inv_val := ⋯ }
Instances For
Partial division. It is defined when the
second argument is invertible, and unlike the division operator
in DivisionRing
it is not totalized at zero.
- «term_/ₚ_» = Lean.ParserDescr.trailingNode `term_/ₚ_ 70 70 (Lean.ParserDescr.binary `andthen (Lean.ParserDescr.symbol " /ₚ ") (Lean.ParserDescr.cat `term 71))
Instances For
Used for field_simp
to deal with inverses of units. This form of the lemma
is essential since field_simp
likes to use inv_eq_one_div
to rewrite
↑u⁻¹ = ↑(1 / u)
The element of the group of units, corresponding to an element of a monoid which is a unit. When
is a DivisionMonoid
, use IsUnit.unit'
- IsUnit.unit h = Units.copy (Classical.choose h) a ⋯ ↑(Classical.choose h)⁻¹ ⋯
Instances For
"The element of the additive group of additive units, corresponding to an element of
an additive monoid which is an additive unit. When α
is a SubtractionMonoid
, use
- IsAddUnit.addUnit h = AddUnits.copy (Classical.choose h) a ⋯ ↑(-Classical.choose h) ⋯
Instances For
The element of the additive group of additive units, corresponding to an element of
an additive monoid which is an additive unit. As opposed to IsAddUnit.addUnit
, the negation is
computable and comes from the negation on α
. This is useful to transfer properties of negation
in AddUnits α
to α
. See also toAddUnits
- IsAddUnit.addUnit' h = { val := a, neg := -a, val_neg := ⋯, neg_val := ⋯ }
Instances For
The element of the group of units, corresponding to an element of a monoid which is a unit. As
opposed to IsUnit.unit
, the inverse is computable and comes from the inversion on α
. This is
useful to transfer properties of inversion in Units α
to α
. See also toUnits
- IsUnit.unit' h = { val := a, inv := a⁻¹, val_inv := ⋯, inv_val := ⋯ }
Instances For
The AddGroup
version of this lemma is sub_add_cancel''
The Group
version of this lemma is div_mul_cancel'''
Constructs a CommGroup
structure on a CommMonoid
consisting only of units.