Localization over right Ore sets. #
This file defines the localization of a monoid over a right Ore set and proves its universal
mapping property. It then extends the definition and its properties first to semirings and then
to rings. We show that in the case of a commutative monoid this definition coincides with the
common monoid localization. Finally we show that in a ring without zero divisors, taking the Ore
localization at R - {0}
results in a division ring.
Notations #
Introduces the notation R[S⁻¹]
for the Ore localization of a monoid R
at a right Ore
subset S
. Also defines a new heterogeneous division notation r /ₒ s
for a numerator r : R
a denominator s : S
References #
- [Zoran Škoda, Noncommutative localization in noncommutative geometry][skoda2006]
Tags #
localization, Ore, non-commutative
The setoid on R × S
used for the Ore localization.
Instances For
The ore localization of a monoid and a submonoid fulfilling the ore condition.
- OreLocalization R S = Quotient (OreLocalization.oreEqv R S)
Instances For
The ore localization of a monoid and a submonoid fulfilling the ore condition.
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Instances For
The division in the ore localization R[S⁻¹]
, as a fraction of an element of R
and S
- r /ₒ s = Quotient.mk' (r, s)
Instances For
The division in the ore localization R[S⁻¹]
, as a fraction of an element of R
and S
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Instances For
Fractions which differ by a factor of the numerator can be proven equal if
those factors expand to equal elements of R
A function or predicate over R
and S
can be lifted to R[S⁻¹]
if it is invariant
under expansion on the right.
- OreLocalization.liftExpand P hP = Quotient.lift (fun (p : R × ↥S) => P p.1 p.2) ⋯
Instances For
A version of liftExpand
used to simultaneously lift functions with two arguments
in R[S⁻¹]
- OreLocalization.lift₂Expand P hP = OreLocalization.liftExpand (fun (r₁ : R) (s₁ : ↥S) => OreLocalization.liftExpand (P r₁ s₁) ⋯) ⋯
Instances For
The multiplication on the Ore localization of monoids.
- OreLocalization.mul = OreLocalization.lift₂Expand OreLocalization.mul' ⋯
Instances For
- OreLocalization.instMulOreLocalization = { mul := OreLocalization.mul }
A characterization lemma for the multiplication on the Ore localization, allowing for a choice of Ore numerator and Ore denominator.
Another characterization lemma for the multiplication on the Ore localizaion delivering Ore witnesses and conditions bundled in a sigma type.
- OreLocalization.oreDivMulChar' r₁ r₂ s₁ s₂ = { fst := OreLocalization.oreNum r₂ s₁, snd := { fst := OreLocalization.oreDenom r₂ s₁, snd := ⋯ } }
Instances For
- OreLocalization.instInhabitedOreLocalization = { default := 1 }
The fraction s /ₒ 1
as a unit in R[S⁻¹]
, where s : S
- OreLocalization.numeratorUnit s = { val := ↑s /ₒ 1, inv := 1 /ₒ s, val_inv := ⋯, inv_val := ⋯ }
Instances For
The multiplicative homomorphism from R
to R[S⁻¹]
, mapping r : R
to the
fraction r /ₒ 1
Instances For
The universal lift from a morphism R →* T
, which maps elements of S
to units of T
to a morphism R[S⁻¹] →* T
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Instances For
The universal morphism universalMulHom
is unique.
- OreLocalization.instCommMonoidOreLocalizationToMonoid = let __src := OreLocalization.instMonoidOreLocalization; CommMonoid.mk ⋯
The morphism numeratorHom
is a monoid localization map in the case of commutative R
- OreLocalization.localizationMap R S = { toMonoidHom := { toOneHom := { toFun := ⇑OreLocalization.numeratorHom, map_one' := ⋯ }, map_mul' := ⋯ }, map_units' := ⋯, surj' := ⋯, exists_of_eq := ⋯ }
Instances For
If R
is commutative, Ore localization and monoid localization are isomorphic.
Instances For
- OreLocalization.instAddOreLocalization = { add := OreLocalization.add }
A characterization of the addition on the Ore localizaion, allowing for arbitrary Ore numerator and Ore denominator.
Another characterization of the addition on the Ore localization, bundling up all witnesses and conditions into a sigma type.
- OreLocalization.oreDivAddChar' r r' s s' = { fst := OreLocalization.oreNum (↑s) s', snd := { fst := OreLocalization.oreDenom (↑s) s', snd := ⋯ } }
Instances For
- OreLocalization.instZeroOreLocalizationToMonoidToMonoidWithZero = { zero := OreLocalization.zero }
- OreLocalization.instAddCommMonoidOreLocalization = let __src := OreLocalization.instAddOreLocalization; AddCommMonoid.mk ⋯
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The universal lift from a ring homomorphism f : R →+* T
, which maps elements in S
units of T
, to a ring homomorphism R[S⁻¹] →+* T
. This extends the construction on
- OreLocalization.universalHom f fS hf = let __src := OreLocalization.universalMulHom (↑f) fS hf; { toMonoidHom := __src, map_zero' := ⋯, map_add' := ⋯ }
Instances For
Negation on the Ore localization is defined via negation on the numerator.
- OreLocalization.neg = OreLocalization.liftExpand (fun (r : R) (s : ↥S) => -r /ₒ s) ⋯
Instances For
- OreLocalization.instNegOreLocalization = { neg := OreLocalization.neg }
- ⋯ = ⋯
The inversion of Ore fractions for a ring without zero divisors, satisying 0⁻¹ = 0
(r /ₒ r')⁻¹ = r' /ₒ r
for r ≠ 0
- OreLocalization.inv = OreLocalization.liftExpand (fun (r : R) (s : ↥(nonZeroDivisors R)) => if hr : r = 0 then 0 else ↑s /ₒ { val := r, property := ⋯ }) ⋯
Instances For
- OreLocalization.inv' = { inv := OreLocalization.inv }
- OreLocalization.divisionRing = let __src := ⋯; let __src_1 := OreLocalization.inv'; let __src_2 := OreLocalization.ring; DivisionRing.mk ⋯ zpowRec ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ (qsmulRec Rat.cast) ⋯