Localizations of commutative rings at the complement of a prime ideal #
Main definitions #
IsLocalization.AtPrime (P : Ideal R) [IsPrime P] (S : Type*)
expresses thatS
is a localization at (the complement of) a prime idealP
, as an abbreviation ofIsLocalization P.prime_compl S
Main results #
: a theorem (not an instance) stating a localization at the complement of a prime ideal is a local ring
Implementation notes #
See RingTheory.Localization.Basic
for a design overview.
Tags #
localization, ring localization, commutative ring localization, characteristic predicate, commutative ring, field of fractions
The complement of a prime ideal P ⊆ R
is a submonoid of R
- Ideal.primeCompl P = { toSubsemigroup := { carrier := (↑P)ᶜ, mul_mem' := ⋯ }, one_mem' := ⋯ }
Instances For
Given a prime ideal P
, the typeclass IsLocalization.AtPrime S P
states that S
isomorphic to the localization of R
at the complement of P
Instances For
Given a prime ideal P
, Localization.AtPrime P
is a localization of
at the complement of P
, as a quotient type.
Instances For
The localization of R
at the complement of a prime ideal is a local ring.
- ⋯ = ⋯
The localization of an integral domain at the complement of a prime ideal is an integral domain.
- ⋯ = ⋯
The unique maximal ideal of the localization at I.primeCompl
lies over the ideal I
The image of I
in the localization at I.primeCompl
is a maximal ideal, and in particular
it is the unique maximal ideal given by the local ring structure AtPrime.localRing
For a ring hom f : R →+* S
and a prime ideal J
in S
, the induced ring hom from the
localization of R
at J.comap f
to the localization of S
at J
To make this definition more flexible, we allow any ideal I
of R
as input, together with a proof
that I = J.comap f
. This can be useful when I
is not definitionally equal to J.comap f
- Localization.localRingHom I J f hIJ = IsLocalization.map (Localization.AtPrime J) f ⋯
Instances For
- ⋯ = ⋯