

L-series #

Given a sequence f: ℕ → ℂ, we define the corresponding L-series.

Main Definitions #

Main Results #

Tags #



The terms of an L-series #

We define the nth term evaluated at a complex number s of the L-series associated to a sequence f : ℕ → ℂ, LSeries.term f s n, and provide some basic API.

We set LSeries.term f s 0 = 0, and for positive n, LSeries.term f s n = f n / n ^ s.

noncomputable def LSeries.term (f : ) (s : ) (n : ) :

The nth term of the L-series of f evaluated at s. We set it to zero when n = 0.

Instances For
    theorem LSeries.term_def (f : ) (s : ) (n : ) :
    LSeries.term f s n = if n = 0 then 0 else f n / n ^ s
    theorem LSeries.term_zero (f : ) (s : ) :
    LSeries.term f s 0 = 0
    theorem LSeries.term_of_ne_zero {n : } (hn : n 0) (f : ) (s : ) :
    LSeries.term f s n = f n / n ^ s
    theorem LSeries.term_congr {f : } {g : } (h : ∀ (n : ), n 0f n = g n) (s : ) (n : ) :
    theorem LSeries.norm_term_eq (f : ) (s : ) (n : ) :
    LSeries.term f s n = if n = 0 then 0 else f n / n ^
    theorem LSeries.norm_term_le {f : } {g : } (s : ) {n : } (h : f n g n) :
    theorem LSeries.norm_term_le_of_re_le_re (f : ) {s : } {s' : } (h : s'.re) (n : ) :

    We define LSeries f s of f : ℕ → ℂ as the sum over LSeries.term f s. We also provide predicates LSeriesSummable f s stating that LSeries f s is summable and LSeriesHasSum f s a stating that the L-series of f is summable at s and converges to a : ℂ.

    noncomputable def LSeries (f : ) (s : ) :

    The value of the L-series of the sequence f at the point s if it converges absolutely there, and 0 otherwise.

    Instances For
      theorem LSeries_congr {f : } {g : } (s : ) (h : ∀ (n : ), n 0f n = g n) :
      LSeries f s = LSeries g s
      def LSeriesSummable (f : ) (s : ) :

      LSeriesSummable f s indicates that the L-series of f converges absolutely at s.

      Instances For
        theorem LSeriesSummable_congr {f : } {g : } (s : ) (h : ∀ (n : ), n 0f n = g n) :
        def LSeriesHasSum (f : ) (s : ) (a : ) :

        This states that the L-series of the sequence f converges absolutely at s and that the value there is a.

        Instances For
          theorem LSeriesHasSum.LSeriesSummable {f : } {s : } {a : } (h : LSeriesHasSum f s a) :
          theorem LSeriesHasSum.LSeries_eq {f : } {s : } {a : } (h : LSeriesHasSum f s a) :
          LSeries f s = a
          theorem LSeriesHasSum_iff {f : } {s : } {a : } :
          theorem LSeriesHasSum_congr {f : } {g : } (s : ) (a : ) (h : ∀ (n : ), n 0f n = g n) :
          theorem LSeriesSummable.of_re_le_re {f : } {s : } {s' : } (h : s'.re) (hf : LSeriesSummable f s) :
          theorem LSeriesSummable_iff_of_re_eq_re {f : } {s : } {s' : } (h : = s'.re) :

          Criteria for and consequences of summability of L-series #

          We relate summability of L-series with bounds on the coefficients in terms of powers of n.

          theorem LSeriesSummable.le_const_mul_rpow {f : } {s : } (h : LSeriesSummable f s) :
          ∃ (C : ), ∀ (n : ), n 0f n C * n ^

          If the LSeries of f is summable at s, then f n is bounded in absolute value by a constant times n^(re s).

          theorem LSeriesSummable.isBigO_rpow {f : } {s : } (h : LSeriesSummable f s) :
          f =O[Filter.atTop] fun (n : ) => n ^

          If the LSeries of f is summable at s, then f = O(n^(re s)).

          theorem LSeriesSummable_of_le_const_mul_rpow {f : } {x : } {s : } (hs : x < (h : ∃ (C : ), ∀ (n : ), n 0f n C * n ^ (x - 1)) :

          If f n is bounded in absolute value by a constant times n^(x-1) and re s > x, then the LSeries of f is summable at s.

          theorem LSeriesSummable_of_isBigO_rpow {f : } {x : } {s : } (hs : x < (h : f =O[Filter.atTop] fun (n : ) => n ^ (x - 1)) :

          If f = O(n^(x-1)) and re s > x, then the LSeries of f is summable at s.

          theorem LSeriesSummable_of_bounded_of_one_lt_re {f : } {m : } (h : ∀ (n : ), n 0Complex.abs (f n) m) {s : } (hs : 1 < :

          If f is bounded, then its LSeries is summable at s when re s > 1.

          theorem LSeriesSummable_of_bounded_of_one_lt_real {f : } {m : } (h : ∀ (n : ), n 0Complex.abs (f n) m) {s : } (hs : 1 < s) :

          If f is bounded, then its LSeries is summable at s : ℝ when s > 1.

          The LSeries with all coefficients 1 converges at s if and only if re s > 1.

          theorem zeta_LSeriesSummable_iff_one_lt_re {s : } :
          LSeriesSummable (fun (x : ) => (ArithmeticFunction.zeta x)) s 1 <

          The LSeries associated to the arithmetic function ζ converges at s if and only if re s > 1.

          theorem LSeries.term_add (f : ) (g : ) (s : ) :
          theorem LSeries.term_add_apply (f : ) (g : ) (s : ) (n : ) :
          LSeries.term (f + g) s n = LSeries.term f s n + LSeries.term g s n
          theorem LSeriesHasSum_add {f : } {g : } {s : } {a : } {b : } (hf : LSeriesHasSum f s a) (hg : LSeriesHasSum g s b) :
          LSeriesHasSum (f + g) s (a + b)
          theorem LSeries_add {f : } {g : } {s : } (hf : LSeriesSummable f s) (hg : LSeriesSummable g s) :
          LSeries (f + g) s = LSeries f s + LSeries g s
          theorem LSeriesSummable_add {f : } {g : } {s : } (hf : LSeriesSummable f s) (hg : LSeriesSummable g s) :