

Arithmetic Functions and Dirichlet Convolution #

This file defines arithmetic functions, which are functions from to a specified type that map 0 to 0. In the literature, they are often instead defined as functions from ℕ+. These arithmetic functions are endowed with a multiplication, given by Dirichlet convolution, and pointwise addition, to form the Dirichlet ring.

Main Definitions #

Main Results #

Notation #

All notation is localized in the namespace ArithmeticFunction.

The arithmetic functions ζ, σ, ω, Ω and μ have Greek letter names.

In addition, there are separate locales ArithmeticFunction.zeta for ζ, ArithmeticFunction.sigma for σ, for ω, ArithmeticFunction.Omega for Ω, and ArithmeticFunction.Moebius for μ, to allow for selective access to these notations.

The arithmetic function $$n \mapsto \prod_{p \mid n} f(p)$$ is given custom notation ∏ᵖ p ∣ n, f p when applied to n.

Tags #

arithmetic functions, dirichlet convolution, divisors

def ArithmeticFunction (R : Type u_1) [Zero R] :
Type u_1

An arithmetic function is a function from that maps 0 to 0. In the literature, they are often instead defined as functions from ℕ+. Multiplication on ArithmeticFunctions is by Dirichlet convolution.

Instances For
    theorem ArithmeticFunction.toFun_eq {R : Type u_1} [Zero R] (f : ArithmeticFunction R) :
    f.toFun = f
    theorem ArithmeticFunction.coe_mk {R : Type u_1} [Zero R] (f : R) (hf : f 0 = 0) :
    { toFun := f, map_zero' := hf } = f
    theorem ArithmeticFunction.map_zero {R : Type u_1} [Zero R] {f : ArithmeticFunction R} :
    f 0 = 0
    theorem ArithmeticFunction.coe_inj {R : Type u_1} [Zero R] {f : ArithmeticFunction R} {g : ArithmeticFunction R} :
    f = g f = g
    theorem ArithmeticFunction.zero_apply {R : Type u_1} [Zero R] {x : } :
    0 x = 0
    theorem ArithmeticFunction.ext {R : Type u_1} [Zero R] ⦃f : ArithmeticFunction R ⦃g : ArithmeticFunction R (h : ∀ (x : ), f x = g x) :
    f = g
    theorem ArithmeticFunction.ext_iff {R : Type u_1} [Zero R] {f : ArithmeticFunction R} {g : ArithmeticFunction R} :
    f = g ∀ (x : ), f x = g x
    instance {R : Type u_1} [Zero R] [One R] :
    • = { one := { toFun := fun (x : ) => if x = 1 then 1 else 0, map_zero' := } }
    theorem ArithmeticFunction.one_apply {R : Type u_1} [Zero R] [One R] {x : } :
    1 x = if x = 1 then 1 else 0
    theorem ArithmeticFunction.one_one {R : Type u_1} [Zero R] [One R] :
    1 1 = 1
    theorem ArithmeticFunction.one_apply_ne {R : Type u_1} [Zero R] [One R] {x : } (h : x 1) :
    1 x = 0

    Coerce an arithmetic function with values in to one with values in R. We cannot inline this in natCoe because it gets unfolded too much.

    • f = { toFun := fun (n : ) => (f n), map_zero' := }
    Instances For
      • ArithmeticFunction.natCoe = { coe := ArithmeticFunction.natToArithmeticFunction }
      theorem ArithmeticFunction.natCoe_apply {R : Type u_1} [AddMonoidWithOne R] {f : ArithmeticFunction } {x : } :
      f x = (f x)

      Coerce an arithmetic function with values in to one with values in R. We cannot inline this in intCoe because it gets unfolded too much.

      • f = { toFun := fun (n : ) => (f n), map_zero' := }
      Instances For
        • ArithmeticFunction.intCoe = { coe := ArithmeticFunction.ofInt }
        theorem ArithmeticFunction.intCoe_apply {R : Type u_1} [AddGroupWithOne R] {f : ArithmeticFunction } {x : } :
        f x = (f x)
        theorem ArithmeticFunction.coe_coe {R : Type u_1} [AddGroupWithOne R] {f : ArithmeticFunction } :
        f = f
        theorem ArithmeticFunction.intCoe_one {R : Type u_1} [AddGroupWithOne R] :
        1 = 1
        • ArithmeticFunction.add = { add := fun (f g : ArithmeticFunction R) => { toFun := fun (n : ) => f n + g n, map_zero' := } }
        theorem ArithmeticFunction.add_apply {R : Type u_1} [AddMonoid R] {f : ArithmeticFunction R} {g : ArithmeticFunction R} {n : } :
        (f + g) n = f n + g n
        • ArithmeticFunction.instAddMonoidWithOne = let __src := ArithmeticFunction.instAddMonoid; let __src_1 :=;
        • ArithmeticFunction.instAddCommMonoid = let __src := ArithmeticFunction.instAddMonoid;
        • ArithmeticFunction.instAddGroupArithmeticFunctionToZeroToNegZeroClassToSubNegZeroMonoidToSubtractionMonoid = let __src := ArithmeticFunction.instAddMonoid;

        The Dirichlet convolution of two arithmetic functions f and g is another arithmetic function such that (f * g) n is the sum of f x * g y over all (x,y) such that x * y = n.

        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
        theorem ArithmeticFunction.smul_apply {R : Type u_1} {M : Type u_2} [Zero R] [AddCommMonoid M] [SMul R M] {f : ArithmeticFunction R} {g : ArithmeticFunction M} {n : } :
        (f g) n = Finset.sum (Nat.divisorsAntidiagonal n) fun (x : × ) => f x.1 g x.2

        The Dirichlet convolution of two arithmetic functions f and g is another arithmetic function such that (f * g) n is the sum of f x * g y over all (x,y) such that x * y = n.

        • ArithmeticFunction.instMulArithmeticFunctionToZeroToMonoidWithZero = { mul := fun (x x_1 : ArithmeticFunction R) => x x_1 }
        theorem ArithmeticFunction.mul_apply {R : Type u_1} [Semiring R] {f : ArithmeticFunction R} {g : ArithmeticFunction R} {n : } :
        (f * g) n = Finset.sum (Nat.divisorsAntidiagonal n) fun (x : × ) => f x.1 * g x.2
        theorem ArithmeticFunction.mul_apply_one {R : Type u_1} [Semiring R] {f : ArithmeticFunction R} {g : ArithmeticFunction R} :
        (f * g) 1 = f 1 * g 1
        theorem ArithmeticFunction.natCoe_mul {R : Type u_1} [Semiring R] {f : ArithmeticFunction } {g : ArithmeticFunction } :
        (f * g) = f * g
        theorem ArithmeticFunction.intCoe_mul {R : Type u_1} [Ring R] {f : ArithmeticFunction } {g : ArithmeticFunction } :
        (f * g) = f * g
        theorem ArithmeticFunction.mul_smul' {R : Type u_1} {M : Type u_2} [Semiring R] [AddCommMonoid M] [Module R M] (f : ArithmeticFunction R) (g : ArithmeticFunction R) (h : ArithmeticFunction M) :
        (f * g) h = f g h
        theorem ArithmeticFunction.one_smul' {R : Type u_1} {M : Type u_2} [Semiring R] [AddCommMonoid M] [Module R M] (b : ArithmeticFunction M) :
        1 b = b
        • ArithmeticFunction.instMonoid = npowRec
        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
        • ArithmeticFunction.instCommSemiringArithmeticFunctionToZeroToCommMonoidWithZero = let __src := ArithmeticFunction.instSemiring;
        • ArithmeticFunction.instCommRingArithmeticFunctionToZeroToCommMonoidWithZeroToCommSemiring = let __src := ArithmeticFunction.instSemiring;
        • ArithmeticFunction.instModuleArithmeticFunctionToZeroToMonoidWithZeroArithmeticFunctionToZeroToAddMonoidInstSemiringInstAddCommMonoid =

        ζ 0 = 0, otherwise ζ x = 1. The Dirichlet Series is the Riemann ζ.

        Instances For

          ζ 0 = 0, otherwise ζ x = 1. The Dirichlet Series is the Riemann ζ.

          Instances For

            ζ 0 = 0, otherwise ζ x = 1. The Dirichlet Series is the Riemann ζ.

            Instances For
              theorem ArithmeticFunction.zeta_apply {x : } :
              ArithmeticFunction.zeta x = if x = 0 then 0 else 1
              theorem ArithmeticFunction.zeta_apply_ne {x : } (h : x 0) :
              ArithmeticFunction.zeta x = 1

              This is the pointwise product of ArithmeticFunctions.

              Instances For

                This is the pointwise power of ArithmeticFunctions.

                Instances For
                  theorem ArithmeticFunction.ppow_apply {R : Type u_1} [Semiring R] {f : ArithmeticFunction R} {k : } {x : } (kpos : 0 < k) :

                  This is the pointwise division of ArithmeticFunctions.

                  Instances For

                    This result only holds for DivisionSemirings instead of GroupWithZeros because zeta takes values in ℕ, and hence the coercion requires an AddMonoidWithOne. TODO: Generalise zeta

                    The map $n \mapsto \prod_{p \mid n} f(p)$ as an arithmetic function

                    Instances For

                      ∏ᵖ p ∣ n, f p is custom notation for prodPrimeFactors f n

                      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                      Instances For
                        theorem ArithmeticFunction.prodPrimeFactors_apply {R : Type u_1} [CommMonoidWithZero R] {f : R} {n : } (hn : n 0) :
                        (ArithmeticFunction.prodPrimeFactors fun (p : ) => f p) n = n.primeFactors fun (p : ) => f p

                        Multiplicative functions

                        Instances For
                          theorem ArithmeticFunction.IsMultiplicative.map_prod {R : Type u_1} {ι : Type u_2} [CommMonoidWithZero R] (g : ι) {f : ArithmeticFunction R} (hf : ArithmeticFunction.IsMultiplicative f) (s : Finset ι) (hs : Set.Pairwise (s) (Nat.Coprime on g)) :
                          f ( s fun (i : ι) => g i) = s fun (i : ι) => f (g i)
                          theorem ArithmeticFunction.IsMultiplicative.map_prod_of_prime {R : Type u_1} [CommSemiring R] {f : ArithmeticFunction R} (h_mult : ArithmeticFunction.IsMultiplicative f) (t : Finset ) (ht : pt, Nat.Prime p) :
                          f ( t fun (a : ) => a) = t fun (a : ) => f a
                          theorem ArithmeticFunction.IsMultiplicative.map_prod_of_subset_primeFactors {R : Type u_1} [CommSemiring R] {f : ArithmeticFunction R} (h_mult : ArithmeticFunction.IsMultiplicative f) (l : ) (t : Finset ) (ht : t l.primeFactors) :
                          f ( t fun (a : ) => a) = t fun (a : ) => f a

                          For any multiplicative function f and any n > 0, we can evaluate f n by evaluating f at p ^ k over the factorization of n

                          theorem ArithmeticFunction.IsMultiplicative.iff_ne_zero {R : Type u_1} [MonoidWithZero R] {f : ArithmeticFunction R} :
                          ArithmeticFunction.IsMultiplicative f f 1 = 1 ∀ {m n : }, m 0n 0Nat.Coprime m nf (m * n) = f m * f n

                          A recapitulation of the definition of multiplicative that is simpler for proofs

                          Two multiplicative functions f and g are equal if and only if they agree on prime powers

                          The identity on as an ArithmeticFunction.

                          Instances For
                            theorem ArithmeticFunction.id_apply {x : } :
                   x = x
                            theorem ArithmeticFunction.pow_apply {k : } {n : } :
                            (ArithmeticFunction.pow k) n = if k = 0 n = 0 then 0 else n ^ k

                            σ k n is the sum of the kth powers of the divisors of n

                            Instances For

                              σ k n is the sum of the kth powers of the divisors of n

                              Instances For

                                σ k n is the sum of the kth powers of the divisors of n

                                Instances For

                                  Ω n is the number of prime factors of n.

                                  Instances For

                                    Ω n is the number of prime factors of n.

                                    Instances For

                                      Ω n is the number of prime factors of n.

                                      Instances For
                                        theorem ArithmeticFunction.cardFactors_apply {n : } :
                                        ArithmeticFunction.cardFactors n = List.length (Nat.factors n)
                                        theorem ArithmeticFunction.cardFactors_zero :
                                        ArithmeticFunction.cardFactors 0 = 0
                                        theorem ArithmeticFunction.cardFactors_one :
                                        ArithmeticFunction.cardFactors 1 = 0
                                        theorem ArithmeticFunction.cardFactors_eq_one_iff_prime {n : } :
                                        ArithmeticFunction.cardFactors n = 1 Nat.Prime n
                                        theorem ArithmeticFunction.cardFactors_mul {m : } {n : } (m0 : m 0) (n0 : n 0) :
                                        ArithmeticFunction.cardFactors (m * n) = ArithmeticFunction.cardFactors m + ArithmeticFunction.cardFactors n
                                        theorem ArithmeticFunction.cardFactors_apply_prime {p : } (hp : Nat.Prime p) :
                                        ArithmeticFunction.cardFactors p = 1
                                        theorem ArithmeticFunction.cardFactors_apply_prime_pow {p : } {k : } (hp : Nat.Prime p) :
                                        ArithmeticFunction.cardFactors (p ^ k) = k

                                        ω n is the number of distinct prime factors of n.

                                        Instances For

                                          ω n is the number of distinct prime factors of n.

                                          Instances For

                                            ω n is the number of distinct prime factors of n.

                                            Instances For
                                              theorem ArithmeticFunction.cardDistinctFactors_zero :
                                              ArithmeticFunction.cardDistinctFactors 0 = 0
                                              theorem ArithmeticFunction.cardDistinctFactors_one :
                                              ArithmeticFunction.cardDistinctFactors 1 = 0
                                              theorem ArithmeticFunction.cardDistinctFactors_apply {n : } :
                                              ArithmeticFunction.cardDistinctFactors n = List.length (List.dedup (Nat.factors n))
                                              theorem ArithmeticFunction.cardDistinctFactors_eq_cardFactors_iff_squarefree {n : } (h0 : n 0) :
                                              ArithmeticFunction.cardDistinctFactors n = ArithmeticFunction.cardFactors n Squarefree n
                                              theorem ArithmeticFunction.cardDistinctFactors_apply_prime_pow {p : } {k : } (hp : Nat.Prime p) (hk : k 0) :
                                              ArithmeticFunction.cardDistinctFactors (p ^ k) = 1
                                              theorem ArithmeticFunction.cardDistinctFactors_apply_prime {p : } (hp : Nat.Prime p) :
                                              ArithmeticFunction.cardDistinctFactors p = 1

                                              μ is the Möbius function. If n is squarefree with an even number of distinct prime factors, μ n = 1. If n is squarefree with an odd number of distinct prime factors, μ n = -1. If n is not squarefree, μ n = 0.

                                              Instances For

                                                μ is the Möbius function. If n is squarefree with an even number of distinct prime factors, μ n = 1. If n is squarefree with an odd number of distinct prime factors, μ n = -1. If n is not squarefree, μ n = 0.

                                                Instances For

                                                  μ is the Möbius function. If n is squarefree with an even number of distinct prime factors, μ n = 1. If n is squarefree with an odd number of distinct prime factors, μ n = -1. If n is not squarefree, μ n = 0.

                                                  Instances For
                                                    theorem ArithmeticFunction.moebius_apply_of_squarefree {n : } (h : Squarefree n) :
                                                    ArithmeticFunction.moebius n = (-1) ^ ArithmeticFunction.cardFactors n
                                                    theorem ArithmeticFunction.moebius_eq_zero_of_not_squarefree {n : } (h : ¬Squarefree n) :
                                                    ArithmeticFunction.moebius n = 0
                                                    theorem ArithmeticFunction.moebius_apply_one :
                                                    ArithmeticFunction.moebius 1 = 1
                                                    theorem ArithmeticFunction.moebius_ne_zero_iff_squarefree {n : } :
                                                    ArithmeticFunction.moebius n 0 Squarefree n
                                                    theorem ArithmeticFunction.moebius_ne_zero_iff_eq_or {n : } :
                                                    ArithmeticFunction.moebius n 0 ArithmeticFunction.moebius n = 1 ArithmeticFunction.moebius n = -1
                                                    theorem ArithmeticFunction.moebius_apply_prime {p : } (hp : Nat.Prime p) :
                                                    ArithmeticFunction.moebius p = -1
                                                    theorem ArithmeticFunction.moebius_apply_prime_pow {p : } {k : } (hp : Nat.Prime p) (hk : k 0) :
                                                    ArithmeticFunction.moebius (p ^ k) = if k = 1 then -1 else 0
                                                    theorem ArithmeticFunction.moebius_apply_isPrimePow_not_prime {n : } (hn : IsPrimePow n) (hn' : ¬Nat.Prime n) :
                                                    ArithmeticFunction.moebius n = 0
                                                    theorem ArithmeticFunction.IsMultiplicative.prodPrimeFactors_one_sub_of_squarefree {R : Type u_1} [CommRing R] (f : ArithmeticFunction R) (hf : ArithmeticFunction.IsMultiplicative f) {n : } (hn : Squarefree n) :
                                                    ( n.primeFactors fun (p : ) => 1 - f p) = Finset.sum (Nat.divisors n) fun (d : ) => (ArithmeticFunction.moebius d) * f d

                                                    A unit in ArithmeticFunction R that evaluates to ζ, with inverse μ.

                                                    Instances For
                                                      theorem ArithmeticFunction.coe_zetaUnit {R : Type u_1} [CommRing R] :
                                                      ArithmeticFunction.zetaUnit = ArithmeticFunction.zeta
                                                      theorem ArithmeticFunction.inv_zetaUnit {R : Type u_1} [CommRing R] :
                                                      ArithmeticFunction.zetaUnit⁻¹ = ArithmeticFunction.moebius
                                                      theorem ArithmeticFunction.sum_eq_iff_sum_smul_moebius_eq {R : Type u_1} [AddCommGroup R] {f : R} {g : R} :
                                                      (n > 0, (Finset.sum (Nat.divisors n) fun (i : ) => f i) = g n) n > 0, (Finset.sum (Nat.divisorsAntidiagonal n) fun (x : × ) => ArithmeticFunction.moebius x.1 g x.2) = f n

                                                      Möbius inversion for functions to an AddCommGroup.

                                                      theorem ArithmeticFunction.sum_eq_iff_sum_mul_moebius_eq {R : Type u_1} [Ring R] {f : R} {g : R} :
                                                      (n > 0, (Finset.sum (Nat.divisors n) fun (i : ) => f i) = g n) n > 0, (Finset.sum (Nat.divisorsAntidiagonal n) fun (x : × ) => (ArithmeticFunction.moebius x.1) * g x.2) = f n

                                                      Möbius inversion for functions to a Ring.

                                                      theorem ArithmeticFunction.prod_eq_iff_prod_pow_moebius_eq {R : Type u_1} [CommGroup R] {f : R} {g : R} :
                                                      (n > 0, ( (Nat.divisors n) fun (i : ) => f i) = g n) n > 0, ( (Nat.divisorsAntidiagonal n) fun (x : × ) => g x.2 ^ ArithmeticFunction.moebius x.1) = f n

                                                      Möbius inversion for functions to a CommGroup.

                                                      theorem ArithmeticFunction.prod_eq_iff_prod_pow_moebius_eq_of_nonzero {R : Type u_1} [CommGroupWithZero R] {f : R} {g : R} (hf : ∀ (n : ), 0 < nf n 0) (hg : ∀ (n : ), 0 < ng n 0) :
                                                      (n > 0, ( (Nat.divisors n) fun (i : ) => f i) = g n) n > 0, ( (Nat.divisorsAntidiagonal n) fun (x : × ) => g x.2 ^ ArithmeticFunction.moebius x.1) = f n

                                                      Möbius inversion for functions to a CommGroupWithZero.

                                                      theorem ArithmeticFunction.sum_eq_iff_sum_smul_moebius_eq_on {R : Type u_1} [AddCommGroup R] {f : R} {g : R} (s : Set ) (hs : ∀ (m n : ), m nn sm s) :
                                                      (n > 0, n s(Finset.sum (Nat.divisors n) fun (i : ) => f i) = g n) n > 0, n s(Finset.sum (Nat.divisorsAntidiagonal n) fun (x : × ) => ArithmeticFunction.moebius x.1 g x.2) = f n

                                                      Möbius inversion for functions to an AddCommGroup, where the equalities only hold on a well-behaved set.

                                                      theorem ArithmeticFunction.sum_eq_iff_sum_smul_moebius_eq_on' {R : Type u_1} [AddCommGroup R] {f : R} {g : R} (s : Set ) (hs : ∀ (m n : ), m nn sm s) (hs₀ : 0s) :
                                                      (ns, (Finset.sum (Nat.divisors n) fun (i : ) => f i) = g n) ns, (Finset.sum (Nat.divisorsAntidiagonal n) fun (x : × ) => ArithmeticFunction.moebius x.1 g x.2) = f n
                                                      theorem ArithmeticFunction.sum_eq_iff_sum_mul_moebius_eq_on {R : Type u_1} [Ring R] {f : R} {g : R} (s : Set ) (hs : ∀ (m n : ), m nn sm s) :
                                                      (n > 0, n s(Finset.sum (Nat.divisors n) fun (i : ) => f i) = g n) n > 0, n s(Finset.sum (Nat.divisorsAntidiagonal n) fun (x : × ) => (ArithmeticFunction.moebius x.1) * g x.2) = f n

                                                      Möbius inversion for functions to a Ring, where the equalities only hold on a well-behaved set.

                                                      theorem ArithmeticFunction.prod_eq_iff_prod_pow_moebius_eq_on {R : Type u_1} [CommGroup R] {f : R} {g : R} (s : Set ) (hs : ∀ (m n : ), m nn sm s) :
                                                      (n > 0, n s( (Nat.divisors n) fun (i : ) => f i) = g n) n > 0, n s( (Nat.divisorsAntidiagonal n) fun (x : × ) => g x.2 ^ ArithmeticFunction.moebius x.1) = f n

                                                      Möbius inversion for functions to a CommGroup, where the equalities only hold on a well-behaved set.

                                                      theorem ArithmeticFunction.prod_eq_iff_prod_pow_moebius_eq_on_of_nonzero {R : Type u_1} [CommGroupWithZero R] (s : Set ) (hs : ∀ (m n : ), m nn sm s) {f : R} {g : R} (hf : n > 0, f n 0) (hg : n > 0, g n 0) :
                                                      (n > 0, n s( (Nat.divisors n) fun (i : ) => f i) = g n) n > 0, n s( (Nat.divisorsAntidiagonal n) fun (x : × ) => g x.2 ^ ArithmeticFunction.moebius x.1) = f n

                                                      Möbius inversion for functions to a CommGroupWithZero, where the equalities only hold on a well-behaved set.