Constructions of new topological spaces from old ones #
This file constructs products, sums, subtypes and quotients of topological spaces and sets up their basic theory, such as criteria for maps into or out of these constructions to be continuous; descriptions of the open sets, neighborhood filters, and generators of these constructions; and their behavior with respect to embeddings and other specific classes of maps.
Implementation note #
The constructed topologies are defined using induced and coinduced topologies
along with the complete lattice structure on topologies. Their universal properties
(for example, a map X → Y × Z
is continuous if and only if both projections
X → Y
, X → Z
are) follow easily using order-theoretic descriptions of
continuity. With more work we can also extract descriptions of the open sets,
neighborhood filters and so on.
Tags #
product, sum, disjoint union, subspace, quotient space
- instTopologicalSpaceSubtype = TopologicalSpace.induced Subtype.val t
- instTopologicalSpaceQuot = TopologicalSpace.coinduced ( r) t
- instTopologicalSpaceQuotient = TopologicalSpace.coinduced' t
- instTopologicalSpaceProd = TopologicalSpace.induced Prod.fst t₁ ⊓ TopologicalSpace.induced Prod.snd t₂
- instTopologicalSpaceSum = TopologicalSpace.coinduced Sum.inl t₁ ⊔ TopologicalSpace.coinduced Sum.inr t₂
- instTopologicalSpaceSigma = ⨆ (i : ι), TopologicalSpace.coinduced ( i) (t₂ i)
- Pi.topologicalSpace = ⨅ (i : ι), TopologicalSpace.induced (fun (f : (i : ι) → Y i) => f i) (t₂ i)
- ULift.topologicalSpace = TopologicalSpace.induced ULift.down t
, Multiplicative
The topology on those type synonyms is inherited without change.
- instTopologicalSpaceAdditive = inst
- instTopologicalSpaceMultiplicative = inst
- ⋯ = inst
- ⋯ = inst
Order dual #
The topology on this type synonym is inherited without change.
- instTopologicalSpaceOrderDual = inst
- ⋯ = inst
The image of a dense set under'
is a dense set.
The composition of'
and a function with dense range has dense range.
- ⋯ = ⋯
- ⋯ = ⋯
- ⋯ = ⋯
A type synonym equipped with the topology whose open sets are the empty set and the sets with finite complements.
- CofiniteTopology X = X
Instances For
The identity equivalence between `` and CofiniteTopology
- CofiniteTopology.of = Equiv.refl X
Instances For
- CofiniteTopology.instInhabitedCofiniteTopology = { default := CofiniteTopology.of default }
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Postcomposing f
with Prod.fst
is continuous
Precomposing f
with Prod.fst
is continuous
Postcomposing f
with Prod.fst
is continuous at x
Precomposing f
with Prod.fst
is continuous at (x, y)
Precomposing f
with Prod.fst
is continuous at x : X × Y
Postcomposing f
with Prod.snd
is continuous
Precomposing f
with Prod.snd
is continuous
Postcomposing f
with Prod.snd
is continuous at x
Precomposing f
with Prod.snd
is continuous at (x, y)
Precomposing f
with Prod.snd
is continuous at x : X × Y
If f x y
is continuous in x
for all y ∈ s
then the set of x
such that f x
maps s
to t
is closed.
A version of continuous_inf_dom_left
for binary functions
A version of continuous_inf_dom_right
for binary functions
A version of continuous_sInf_dom
for binary functions
- ⋯ = ⋯
A product of induced topologies is induced by the product map
maps neighborhood of x : X × Y
within the section Prod.snd ⁻¹' {x.2}
to 𝓝 x.1
The first projection in a product of topological spaces sends open sets to open sets.
maps neighborhood of x : X × Y
within the section Prod.fst ⁻¹' {x.1}
to 𝓝 x.2
The second projection in a product of topological spaces sends open sets to open sets.
The product of two dense sets is a dense set.
If f
and g
are maps with dense range, then f g
has dense range.
Alias of the reverse direction of continuousAt_codRestrict_iff
Let s, t ⊆ X
be two subsets of a topological space X
. If t ⊆ s
and the topology induced
by X
on s
is discrete, then also the topology induces on t
is discrete.
Function.update f i x
is continuous in (f, x)
Pi.single i x
is continuous in x
Pi.mulSingle i x
is continuous in x
Suppose π i
is a family of topological spaces indexed by i : ι
, and X
is a type
endowed with a family of maps f i : X → π i
for every i : ι
, hence inducing a
map g : X → Π i, π i
. This lemma shows that infimum of the topologies on X
induced by
the f i
as i : ι
varies is simply the topology on X
induced by g : X → Π i, π i
where Π i, π i
is endowed with the usual product topology.
A finite product of discrete spaces is discrete.
- ⋯ = ⋯
A map out of a sum type is continuous iff its restriction to each summand is.
A map out of a sum type is continuous if its restriction to each summand is.
A map defined on a sigma type (a.k.a. the disjoint union of an indexed family of topological
spaces) is inducing iff its restriction to each component is inducing and each the image of each
component under f
can be separated from the images of all other components by an open set.
- ⋯ = ⋯
The product of a neighborhood of s
and a neighborhood of t
is a neighborhood of s ×ˢ t
formulated in terms of a filter inequality.