Continuous alternating multilinear maps #
In this file we define bundled continuous alternating maps and develop basic API about these maps, by reusing API about continuous multilinear maps and alternating maps.
Notation #
M [⋀^ι]→L[R] N
: notation for R
-linear continuous alternating maps from M
to N
; the arguments
are indexed by i : ι
Keywords #
multilinear map, alternating map, continuous
A continuous alternating map from ι → M
to N
, denoted M [⋀^ι]→L[R] N
is a continuous map that is
- multilinear :
f (update m i (c • x)) = c • f (update m i x)
andf (update m i (x + y)) = f (update m i x) + f (update m i y)
; - alternating :
f v = 0
has two equal coordinates.
- toFun : (ι → M) → N
- map_add' : ∀ [inst : DecidableEq ι] (m : ι → M) (i : ι) (x y : M), self.toFun (Function.update m i (x + y)) = self.toFun (Function.update m i x) + self.toFun (Function.update m i y)
- map_smul' : ∀ [inst : DecidableEq ι] (m : ι → M) (i : ι) (c : R) (x : M), self.toFun (Function.update m i (c • x)) = c • self.toFun (Function.update m i x)
- cont : Continuous self.toFun
The map is alternating: if
has two equal coordinates, thenf v = 0
Instances For
Projection to AlternatingMap
- ContinuousAlternatingMap.toAlternatingMap self = { toMultilinearMap := self.toMultilinearMap, map_eq_zero_of_eq' := ⋯ }
Instances For
A continuous alternating map from ι → M
to N
, denoted M [⋀^ι]→L[R] N
is a continuous map that is
- multilinear :
f (update m i (c • x)) = c • f (update m i x)
andf (update m i (x + y)) = f (update m i x) + f (update m i y)
; - alternating :
f v = 0
has two equal coordinates.
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Instances For
- ⋯ = ⋯
Restrict the codomain of a continuous alternating map to a submodule.
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Instances For
- ContinuousAlternatingMap.instZeroContinuousAlternatingMap = { zero := { toContinuousMultilinearMap := 0, map_eq_zero_of_eq' := ⋯ } }
- ContinuousAlternatingMap.instInhabitedContinuousAlternatingMap = { default := 0 }
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- ⋯ = ⋯
- ⋯ = ⋯
- ⋯ = ⋯
- ContinuousAlternatingMap.instMulActionContinuousAlternatingMap = Function.Injective.mulAction ContinuousAlternatingMap.toContinuousMultilinearMap ⋯ ⋯
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- ContinuousAlternatingMap.addCommMonoid = Function.Injective.addCommMonoid ContinuousAlternatingMap.toContinuousMultilinearMap ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯
Evaluation of a ContinuousAlternatingMap
at a vector as an AddMonoidHom
- ContinuousAlternatingMap.applyAddHom v = { toZeroHom := { toFun := fun (f : M[⋀^ι]→L[R]N) => f v, map_zero' := ⋯ }, map_add' := ⋯ }
Instances For
Projection to ContinuousMultilinearMap
s as a bundled AddMonoidHom
Instances For
If f
is a continuous alternating map, then f.toContinuousLinearMap m i
is the continuous
linear map obtained by fixing all coordinates but i
equal to those of m
, and varying the
-th coordinate.
- ContinuousAlternatingMap.toContinuousLinearMap f m i = ContinuousMultilinearMap.toContinuousLinearMap f.toContinuousMultilinearMap m i
Instances For
The cartesian product of two continuous alternating maps, as a continuous alternating map.
- f g = { toContinuousMultilinearMap := f.toContinuousMultilinearMap g.toContinuousMultilinearMap, map_eq_zero_of_eq' := ⋯ }
Instances For
Combine a family of continuous alternating maps with the same domain and codomains M' i
into a
continuous alternating map taking values in the space of functions Π i, M' i
- ContinuousAlternatingMap.pi f = { toContinuousMultilinearMap := ContinuousMultilinearMap.pi fun (i : ι') => (f i).toContinuousMultilinearMap, map_eq_zero_of_eq' := ⋯ }
Instances For
The natural equivalence between continuous linear maps from M
to N
and continuous 1-multilinear alternating maps from M
to N
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Instances For
The constant map is alternating when ι
is empty.
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Instances For
If g
is continuous alternating and f
is a continuous linear map, then g (f m₁, ..., f mₙ)
is again a continuous alternating map, that we call g.compContinuousLinearMap f
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Instances For
Composing a continuous alternating map with a continuous linear map gives again a continuous alternating map.
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Instances For
A continuous linear equivalence of domains defines an equivalence between continuous alternating maps.
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Instances For
A continuous linear equivalence of codomains defines an equivalence between continuous alternating maps.
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Instances For
Continuous linear equivalences between domains and codomains define an equivalence between the spaces of continuous alternating maps.
Instances For
as an Equiv
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Instances For
In the specific case of continuous alternating maps on spaces indexed by Fin (n+1)
, where one
can build an element of Π(i : Fin (n+1)), M i
using cons
, one can express directly the
additivity of an alternating map along the first variable.
In the specific case of continuous alternating maps on spaces indexed by Fin (n+1)
, where one
can build an element of Π(i : Fin (n+1)), M i
using cons
, one can express directly the
additivity of an alternating map along the first variable.
In the specific case of continuous alternating maps on spaces indexed by Fin (n+1)
, where one
can build an element of Π(i : Fin (n+1)), M i
using cons
, one can express directly the
multiplicativity of an alternating map along the first variable.
In the specific case of continuous alternating maps on spaces indexed by Fin (n+1)
, where one
can build an element of Π(i : Fin (n+1)), M i
using cons
, one can express directly the
multiplicativity of an alternating map along the first variable.
Additivity of a continuous alternating map along all coordinates at the same time,
writing f (m + m')
as the sum of f (s.piecewise m m')
over all sets s
If f
is continuous alternating, then f (Σ_{j₁ ∈ A₁} g₁ j₁, ..., Σ_{jₙ ∈ Aₙ} gₙ jₙ)
is the
sum of f (g₁ (r 1), ..., gₙ (r n))
where r
ranges over all functions with r 1 ∈ A₁
, ...,
r n ∈ Aₙ
. This follows from multilinearity by expanding successively with respect to each
If f
is continuous alternating, then f (Σ_{j₁} g₁ j₁, ..., Σ_{jₙ} gₙ jₙ)
is the sum of
f (g₁ (r 1), ..., gₙ (r n))
where r
ranges over all functions r
. This follows from
multilinearity by expanding successively with respect to each coordinate.
Reinterpret a continuous A
-alternating map as a continuous R
-alternating map, if A
is an
algebra over R
and their actions on all involved modules agree with the action of R
on A
- ContinuousAlternatingMap.restrictScalars R f = { toContinuousMultilinearMap := ContinuousMultilinearMap.restrictScalars R f.toContinuousMultilinearMap, map_eq_zero_of_eq' := ⋯ }
Instances For
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Multiplicativity of a continuous alternating map along all coordinates at the same time,
writing f (λ i, c i • m i)
as (∏ i, c i) • f m
- ContinuousAlternatingMap.instDistribMulActionContinuousAlternatingMapToAddMonoidAddCommMonoid = Function.Injective.distribMulAction ContinuousAlternatingMap.toMultilinearAddHom ⋯ ⋯
The space of continuous alternating maps over an algebra over R
is a module over R
, for the
pointwise addition and scalar multiplication.
- ContinuousAlternatingMap.instModuleContinuousAlternatingMapAddCommMonoid = Function.Injective.module R ContinuousAlternatingMap.toMultilinearAddHom ⋯ ⋯
Linear map version of the map toMultilinearMap
associating to a continuous alternating map
the corresponding multilinear map.
- ContinuousAlternatingMap.toContinuousMultilinearMapLinear = { toAddHom := { toFun := ContinuousAlternatingMap.toContinuousMultilinearMap, map_add' := ⋯ }, map_smul' := ⋯ }
Instances For
as a LinearEquiv
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Instances For
Given a continuous R
-alternating map f
taking values in R
, f.smulRight z
is the
continuous alternating map sending m
to f m • z
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Instances For
as a bundled LinearMap
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Instances For
as a bundled bilinear map.
- ContinuousLinearMap.compContinuousAlternatingMapₗ R M N N' = LinearMap.mk₂ R ContinuousLinearMap.compContinuousAlternatingMap ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯
Instances For
Alternatization of a continuous multilinear map.
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