

Ind-objects #

For a presheaf A : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ Type v we define the type IndObjectPresentation A of presentations of A as a small filtered colimit of representable presheaves and define the predicate IsIndObject A asserting that there is at least one such presentation.

A presheaf is an ind-object if and only if the category CostructuredArrow yoneda A is filtered and finally small. In this way, CostructuredArrow yoneda A can be thought of the universal indexing category for the representation of A as a small filtered colimit of representable presheaves.

Future work #

There are various useful ways to understand natural transformations between ind-objects in terms of their presentations.

The ind-objects form a locally v-small category IndCategory C which has numerous interesting properties.

Implementation notes #

One might be tempted to introduce another universe parameter and consider being a w-ind-object as a property of presheaves C ⥤ TypeMax.{v, w}. This comes with significant technical hurdles. The recommended alternative is to consider ind-objects over ULiftHom.{w} C instead.

References #

The data that witnesses that a presheaf A is an ind-object. It consists of a small filtered indexing category I, a diagram F : I ⥤ C and the data for a colimit cocone on Fyoneda : I ⥤ Cᵒᵖ ⥤ Type v with cocone point A.

Instances For

    The canonical comparison functor between the indexing category of the presentation and the comma category CostructuredArrow yoneda A. This functor is always final.

    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
    Instances For

      Representable presheaves are (trivially) ind-objects.

      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      Instances For

        A presheaf is called an ind-object if it can be written as a filtered colimit of representable presheaves.

        Instances For

          Representable presheaves are (trivially) ind-objects.

          The recognition theorem for ind-objects: A : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ Type v is an ind-object if and only if CostructuredArrow yoneda A is filtered and finally v-small.

          Theorem 6.1.5 of [Kashiwara2006]