The left and right unitors #
Given a bifunctor F : C ⥤ D ⥤ D
, an object X : C
such that F.obj X ≅ 𝟭 D
and a
map p : I × J → J
such that hp : ∀ (j : J), p ⟨0, j⟩ = j
we define an isomorphism of J
-graded objects for any Y : GradedObject J D
mapBifunctorLeftUnitor F X e p hp Y : mapBifunctorMapObj F p ((single₀ I).obj X) Y ≅ Y
TODO (@joelriou): define similarly a right unitor isomorphism and get the triangle identity.
Given F : C ⥤ D ⥤ D
, X : C
, e : F.obj X ≅ 𝟭 D
and Y : GradedObject J D
this is the isomorphism ((mapBifunctor F I J).obj ((single₀ I).obj X)).obj Y a ≅ Y a.2
when a : I × J
is such that a.1 = 0
- CategoryTheory.GradedObject.mapBifunctorObjSingle₀ObjIso F X e Y a ha = (F.mapIso (CategoryTheory.GradedObject.singleObjApplyIsoOfEq 0 X a.1 ha)).app (Y a.2) ≪≫ (Y a.2)
Instances For
Given F : C ⥤ D ⥤ D
, X : C
and Y : GradedObject J D
((mapBifunctor F I J).obj ((single₀ I).obj X)).obj Y a
is an initial when a : I × J
is such that a.1 ≠ 0
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Instances For
Given F : C ⥤ D ⥤ D
, X : C
, e : F.obj X ≅ 𝟭 D
, Y : GradedObject J D
p : I × J → J
such that p ⟨0, j⟩ = j
for all j
this is the (colimit) cofan which shall be used to construct the isomorphism
mapBifunctorMapObj F p ((single₀ I).obj X) Y ≅ Y
, see mapBifunctorLeftUnitor
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Instances For
The cofan mapBifunctorLeftUnitorCofan F X e p hp Y j
is a colimit.
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Instances For
Given F : C ⥤ D ⥤ D
, X : C
, e : F.obj X ≅ 𝟭 D
, Y : GradedObject J D
p : I × J → J
such that p ⟨0, j⟩ = j
for all j
this is the left unitor isomorphism mapBifunctorMapObj F p ((single₀ I).obj X) Y ≅ Y
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